Welcome to 7th Grade Humanities!

Hello and welcome to my class blog for 7th grade Humanities. This blog will be a place where you can share your thoughts, observations, questions, and comments about topics and readings we discuss in class throughout the year. During the year, I will also post links to articles and websites that may be of interest to you.
Your comments will be viewed by students in your own class as well as other 7th grade Humanities students at Lab. Please remember to show the utmost respect for other's ideas when making your posts. You may not always agree with what someone says in his/her post, but there is a way to challenge the ideas of others without disrespecting them.
Also, please be sure that when you make your posts you sign them with your FIRST NAME ONLY and with your HUMANITIES TEACHER'S LAST NAME and CLASS PERIOD (ex.- Patrick, Jacobs 3-4 or Sheila, Jacobs 8-9).
Remember, you don't have to wait for me to give you an assignment to post on the blog. If there is something related to our Humanities units of study on your mind, feel free to post!
See you in class and on the blog,
Ms. Jacobs
* Image from: http://www.orielhigh.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/image/MainIcons/Subject_Humanities.jpg
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