Colonial Projects

Please go to 2006-2007 Student Work and Projects and review the Newspapers and Colonial Life Murals. Choose one mural and one newspaper article, and write thoughtful comments and questions about each. You should write about content and format. Please be considerate of the work invested in each of the projects, and make your comments constructive. You may also ask questions of the authors/artists.
Remember to use your first name (and last initial if necessary).
8/9 Mural Colonial Economy
I liked how the Economy group explained what was going on in the pictures. Also it was very nice how they showed people trading. I didn't understand why they had a raft in the middle of the shore though.
Jennifer P.
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM
3/4 Salem Witch Trial Newspaper Gardening
I liked how Waters provided not only plants that could help cure sicknesses but she showed fences that where pleasing to the eye. Was there a flower or plant that could keep the Devil away?
Great Job!
Jennifer P.
Anonymous, at 4:20 PM
8/9 Salem Witch Trials Newspaper,
I liked the articles in the newspaper. I thought they were informational and well-researched. However, I think the webpage is hard to navigate. You could have worked on the layout. I do like how the background for each aritcle is different, though. Great job overall!
Nicholas P.
Anonymous, at 6:52 PM
8/9 Colonial Economy Mural,
I like how you explain what is going on in the mural with captions. This makes it easier to understand than some of the other murals. It is kind of hard to tell what some of the things on the beach are, however. What is the gray square floating in the water? Good job!
Nicholas P.
Anonymous, at 7:00 PM
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Anonymous, at 4:02 AM
8/9 Mural Colonial Economy,
I liked the captions, they realy helped to show how hard they worked, and how they put a lot of efort onto it. It was very detailed. Great Job!!!!!!!!
Izy R.-H.
Anonymous, at 10:02 AM
8/9 Salem Witch Trial Newspaper Gossip Column,
Very Funny! I loved how you made it seem like real gossip, and it was stuff that they would realy gossip about too! The Red and orange were a little hard to read, but it ws great otherwise.
Great Job!
-Izy R.-H.
Anonymous, at 10:12 AM
3/4 Salem Witch Trial Newspaper
I think that they did a good job on explaining what characteristics were like in what a whitch supposedly was like. I also thought that they were not afraid to be funny. But there were some run-on sentences, and incorrect grammer. But there wasn't that much.
Good Job!
Lindsay L
Anonymous, at 12:53 PM
8/9 Colonial Economy Mural
There was one group group who I thought did really well, because they explained what was going on. It looked like most groups spent a lot of time, and detail for these murals. But some didn't explain what was going on in the mural, so it was confusing. What was going on in the first mural on the list about education?
Lindsay L
Anonymous, at 1:03 PM
8/9 Salem Witch Trials Newspaper
I eally liked the whole paper. I liked how the articles were well researched and presented well. Sometimes it was hard to read the writing because of the background, but otherwise it was great!!!
Katherine G.
Anonymous, at 1:30 PM
8/9 Mural Colonial Economy
I liked how the economy group explained what their pictures were showing. Also all of the points that they put into their mural were good ideas and they were good examples of colonial economy. Although I did not understand what some of the pictures were trying to show. Good job!!!!
Katherine G.
Anonymous, at 1:45 PM
8/9 Timeline of Colonial Education
I liked how the Education group showed how the boy grew up and changed throughout his lifetime, and how they showed his school and Harvard, but I thought it was odd that they had HOME last instead of first, because you grow up at home before you go to school.
-Elizabeth M.
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM
3/4 Personal Ads
I thought that Ary did a great job with making good and funny ads. I also think it looks and sounds like she put a lot of time into this project, and it payed off. The only thing I think is a little odd is the fact that so many words are spelled differently.
-Elizabeth M.
Anonymous, at 4:10 PM
3/4 Mural Colonial Education
I liked that everything was neat and simple. It also looked like as town rather than just what they studied for education. I didn't understand why they put the cross on Harvard but not on the church.
Kelsea H.
Anonymous, at 7:29 AM
3/4 Salem Witch Trial Newspaper: More Horoscopes.
I liked how they gave advice for each horoscope that went well with the time period. For Scorpio it says to stay away from people with purple hats and blue shoe, did they have purple hats and blue shoes back then?
Kelsea H.
Anonymous, at 7:38 AM
3/4 Mural Education
I thin that this is a good Mural bacause it shows the schools and the cologes and I rally liked it. I really liked how they showed the diferent schools like Harvard and the elementary school. GOOD JOB!!!
Erin M.
Anonymous, at 10:27 AM
3/4 Salem Witch Trial Newspaper
I like how Ceci and Kamilah made it seem like it was that time. It was really fun to read. I think that the group did a cool job with the crredits at the end.
Erin M.
Anonymous, at 10:34 AM
8/9 Salem Witch Trial Newspaper
Each article was very interesting and well researched. The page was really cool, i liked the colors but sometimes it was difficult to read the words because of the background. Great Job!!!!!!
Kayla S.
Anonymous, at 12:54 PM
8/9 Mural Colonial Economy
This mural was different from any other mural. It explained what the pictures were showing. You guys had an excellent representation, and idea of colonial economy. I didn't understand everything though,but other than that, Great job!!!
Kayla St. Clair
Anonymous, at 1:44 PM
I looked at teh 3/4 newpaper becasue i did the 8/9 one and I also looked a the 8/9 murals. I reallly liked teh layout of the newspaper, but I think that it could have been made to seem more newspaper-ish. I didn't notice any typos though, so taht was good.
teh murals were all good but in some it was hard to tell waht was going on, I think taht some of the painting was doen a little bit sloppily and if it had been doen more neatly it might have been clearer. Teh artwork was good though.
Good job to everyone!
Mara W.
Anonymous, at 2:56 PM
In the period 8/9 Salem Witch Trials Newspaper, I think that the "Witch Fever Sweeping Salem" article was written like a real newspaper article, was descriptive and I liked how it gave the author's opinion on what the future of the witch trials would be like. Was Sarah Wilds a real person or was she made up for the article?
In the period 8/9 murals, I liked how the "Timeline of Colonial Education" group showed the schools on a road with a growing man walking down. It is nice how everything is labeled so that you can tell what everything is. It says "Puritan Education", but could people who practiced other religions go to the schools too?
Ary H.
Anonymous, at 5:42 PM
3/4 "magic and Mayhem"
I love the site. All the links and the "lagit"-ness of it was great. It looked like you worked very hard and it's way better than what i could have done. But maybe you could have gone more in deapth with the comic?
Great job over all1
Anonymous, at 12:09 PM
3/4 French and Indian war Mural
The bloodyness of it was great. very artistic. it could have given more detail actually in the seperate parts. not just in the desccription paragraph . awesome mural though.
Anonymous, at 12:11 PM
oops those above two were by Sam Stokes. I forgot to put my name.
Anonymous, at 12:11 PM
8/9 Mural Colonial Conflicts
I liked how they had life bars to show who had the better chance of winning. I think the art work is really good too. i still dont get why the guy on the far left doesn't have a foot.
-Maddy P.
Anonymous, at 12:23 PM
The News papers and Murals are very interesting and look Well done. They look like they took a long time.
Anonymous, at 12:25 PM
3/4 Mural Witchcraft in Colonial Times
I like how they have different signs that represent important things that went on at the time. like Anne Hutchinson and the black book
-maddy c
Anonymous, at 12:26 PM
I liked doing the video project alot. My group worked well together and I did well on it.
Jacob Chereskin
Anonymous, at 1:55 PM
i liked the colnial conflicts 8/9 mural. it showed the conflicts between the french, native americans, and the colonists. i also like the hp bars above their characters which was a unique detail of their mural. overall it was nice...
Kyung Jung
Anonymous, at 2:11 PM
i liked the fashion article for 8/9. it was well labled and had pretty nice pictures. funny how people used to dress back then. i would probably jump of a building if i had to wear stuff just like my parents after the age of 8 or 9... once again kyung Jung
Anonymous, at 2:25 PM
kyung jung is andrew if you didnt no. just saying....
Anonymous, at 2:26 PM
8/9 article Tituba
Good information and close up, but I thought the format was a little strange.
3/4 colonial education mural
really good painting, but I didn't understand what two of the houses were
Grant Y.
Anonymous, at 2:27 PM
3/4 Salem Witch Trials Newspaper
Very good job overall. A few minor problems like I did not understand the layout of the page very well and some of the articles were unreadable. Why can't you see the weather?
Daniel E
Anonymous, at 3:28 PM
Period 3-4 Mural: Colonial Education
Excelent job, the painting is sharp and clear, as are the letters. What is the building on the left? The light blue used in the middle bubble seems very odd and does not feel right. Extreemly good job overall though, I just had to post these comments and questions because I was forced to.
Daniel E
Anonymous, at 3:34 PM
8/9 salem witch trials
i liked the wanted poster but for some reason the computer would not let me see the weekly articles. and allso it was hard to read the gossip collum aside from that GOOD JOB
p.s. thats maor
Anonymous, at 3:49 PM
3/4 colonial murals colonial edu
i thought it was really good because it was clear and very well drawn and i liked all the description
Anonymous, at 3:54 PM
3/4 "magic and mayhem I liked all the information on how to know if your a witch or not it was actually kind of entertaining.
Tony G
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM
8/9 "Colonial Conflicts"
This painting was really cool but I didn't get what was going on in the mural. overall good job.
Tony G
Anonymous, at 4:10 PM
8/9 Mural Colonial Conflicts
It very well done. It shows how the colonists battled with the indians. It was also very detailed.
Anonymous, at 5:32 PM
8/9 Mural Colonial Conflicts
This mural shows great detail and is very well done. It also shows very well the struggle between the colonists and the indians. Very well done.
Anonymous, at 5:35 PM
8/9 Witch Trial Newspaper
Very good! The only thing is that the back ground was a little boring. It also was a little confusing to see where to go.
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
3/4 Mural
Colonial Daily LIfe
The mural is good and it really shows the daily life in colonial times. But they didn't finish the two people's heads. Also, why is the table on the wall, and what is on the table?
8/9 Newspaper
Tituba's Interrogation
The article was very good and well thought out. It was sort of hard to read because of the white on black writing. But overall, it was pretty good.
-Elizabeth G.
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM
8/9 Colonial Conflicts
Great job guys, very creative and lets observers know what was happening. I think the size of the people are not all the same, but it still looks great. Where was this scence happening? By the way nice touch with the life bars haha
Sean K
Anonymous, at 6:21 PM
3-4 Weekly Hangings
Good job on all the different people who were accused of being witches. I think you could have added a brighter colored front. Would they hang you if some one who didnt know you accused you of being a witch?
Sean K
Anonymous, at 6:30 PM
8/9 Salem Witch Trial Newspaper
I thought the two interviews were very well written. In the first interview by Frankie you could tell he worked very hard on researching Martha Cory and try to sound like her. In the second interview by Jamie you could tell he worked hard and did a great job as the reporter trying not to pick sides.
Nice Job!!
Ceci E.
Anonymous, at 6:30 PM
3/4 Murals
I really liked the colonial Education Mural. I think their mural was clear and neat. I really liked how they put a little bubble to show what was inside. Everything looked very realistic.
Great Job!!
Ceci E.
Anonymous, at 6:31 PM
8/9 Mural Timeline of Colonial Education
I liked how they showed the man growing up and going to school, then college, then into a house! It was very creative!! I thought it was neatly done and you could cleary understand the message of the mural! Good Job!!
-Sarah H. 8/9
Anonymous, at 8:17 PM
8/9 Wicked Times Newspaper
I liked the weekly poll! It was fun to read and a lot of it was stuff that was actually true!! Well written and good job!
-Sarah H. 8/9
Anonymous, at 8:24 PM
3/4 Salem Witch Trials Newspaper
I thought that this page was really well thought out and had a very good layout. I especially liked the front page article on ergot. It was very informative and presented a different viewpoint on how the witch trials may have been caused. Good job!
-Alice F.
Anonymous, at 6:14 AM
8/9 Colonial Education Timeline Mural
I wasn't exactly clear on how this was a 'timeline.' My best guess is that the people were walking from earlier schools to later schools and that the road was the timeline. If I'm correct, this was a very imaginative and well-rendered idea.
-Alice F.
Anonymous, at 6:19 AM
8/9 Mural Colonial Education
I really liked how the group showed one person going through each walk of life. Each school is painted really well, and one can tell what is going on. Great job!
Charlie R.
Anonymous, at 6:48 AM
8/9 Salem Witch Trial's gossip collum
The collum is funny and "informative." I liked how the author made the collum sound like modern day gossip, although of course it is set in the time of the trials. However, the backround makes it hard to right and hurts your eyes. Also, the author didn't sign it! Good job overall though!
Charlie R.
Anonymous, at 6:53 AM
I liked the illustrations from the murals and how it showed so much information just by painting
The Chosen One
Anonymous, at 7:19 AM
8/9 Newspaper "Wicked Times"
The layout seemed... odd....
anyways, nice newspaper with good articles
Andrew X.
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM
8/9 salem witch trial newspaper
I think the newspaper is good with the wanted sign on it.
Adam G
Anonymous, at 2:21 PM
8/9 Mural Colonial Conflicts
Cool, i like how you guys put it in arcade style, and how it seems the Indians were getting beat up and all health bars :]
Andrew X.
Anonymous, at 2:46 PM
3-4Murial Colonial Economy
I thought it was really nice how the group displayed how the colonies were building and trading and ships coming in. One thought though,I didn't understand what the bock thing was in the middle of the water, or why the whale was like on the shore....
Simone N.
Anonymous, at 3:32 PM
Sry i meant pd. 8-9
Anonymous, at 3:33 PM
8-9 colonial gossip column
I liked how the group put facts like what would really happen in a situation where someone was accused of witchcraft. It was kinda cute too. I didn't think it added to the paper though when someone put in that she said….no. no. no… AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” because that really took away the time /cutural difference. Also, the color in the other side was hard to read.
Simone N.
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM
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Anonymous, at 4:00 AM
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Anonymous, at 11:34 AM
Here is some informational sources
It would be great, if you'll post some more info about that pills.. thx
This is my university project )) Thank you for your post;)
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Anonymous, at 3:47 PM
Buenos ))
Here is some of them :
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map of the site
Here is some of them :
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map sites
enjoy with new class of search ;-)
Do you think it's helpful?
Anonymous, at 12:31 AM
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