Native American Mascots--What do you think?

In class we looked at images of Chief Wahoo, the mascot for the Cleveland Indians baseball team. We also watched the documentary "In Whose Honor?" about Native American activist Charlene Teeters and her fight against Chief Illiniwek at the University of Illinois. The big controversy is whether or not universities and professional sports teams should continue to use mascots that many Native Americans believe are offensive and dishonoring them. What are your thoughts/ideas on the subject?
It is okay to disagree with someone, but please be respectful of everyone's ideas.
I think that if a school proudly displays a racist mascot that that is not okay. If you know that you have a racist mascot then you should just get rid of it. The mascot, while it may be a tradition, is doing nothing more than hurting your school's reputation and offending a racial group. I don't see why it benefits these establishments to keep their offending mascots.
Nicholas P.
Anonymous, at 4:50 PM
I agree
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM
I agree, it's high time we retired all Indian "mascots."
Anonymous, at 6:37 AM
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