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-Ms. Jacobs
I think there is a connection between High Yellow White Trash and White Black and Jewish.They both have to choose wether they want to be black or white.In High Yellow White trash Lisa goes with the cacation parent In White Black and Jewish Rebbeca goes with the black parent.
Matthew L.
Anonymous, at 7:04 AM
I think that Amy was kind of of in a box, because her mom really wanted her to play the piano but she wasn't very good at it. (HYWT) In HYWT I think that Lisa is in a box, because her perents are not together and her mom is trying to make more white and her dad is being pretty mean. Thier boxes are simalar becuase there both in a box because peer pressure. Thier boxes are different, because Lisas box is much harder to get out of bacause of her parents and Lisa's in a box, because of a piano.
Anonymous, at 7:06 AM
I once had a connection between two readings. when I read high High yellow white trash and then the story talking about 9,11 I thought they where the same because of the talk about the mix of races. The one girl talked about that she was not alowed to go out becouse she looked different and the other story she had a promblem that the boy did not like her. markush
Anonymous, at 7:30 AM
I once had a connection between two readings. when I read high High yellow white trash and then the story talking about 9,11 I thought they where the same because of the talk about the mix of races. The one girl talked about that she was not alowed to go out becouse she looked different and the other story she had a promblem that the boy did not like her. markush
Anonymous, at 7:30 AM
The stories "High Yellow White Trash" and "Black, White and Jewish" are similar because Lisa Page in HYWT was trying to figure out what she was black or white same with Rebecca Walker in Black White and Jewish. the Difference was that Lisa considered herself to be more black then white, and in Rebecca's story she wanted to be white even though she couldn't hide the fact that she looked black and ended up hurting her mother who she cared about the most. The other difference is Rebecca's white side of the family excepted her while Lisa's white side of the family didn't want anything to do with her or her brother and sister.
Anonymous, at 5:39 PM
this is an awesome new year although it is 2008. I think HIgh Yellow White Trash was an interesting and new perspective. back then it must have been hard to be biracial, more than even the story can explain. The narrator must be in her mid fifties now. That is not something i considered until class this morning.
Carah A.
Anonymous, at 2:00 PM
I think that the mom and the daughter are in the same box, just on different sides. On the side the mom is on, she is living in her own idea that her daughter will do whatever she wants her to do, and on the daughter's side, she is just ignoring everything her mom does, and she was indifferent
Anonymous, at 5:11 PM
well they are their own race and like we said you cant have the clevland asians or afiricans but Native americans are basically the same. In the film she may have over reacted with the protesting a little when she is crying. I think you can have a native american mascot but with resbect and show how kind and peacfull they are. But no native american mascot has shown that resbect.
Anonymous, at 3:44 AM
well they are their own race and like we said you cant have the clevland asians or afiricans but Native americans are basically the same. In the film she may have over reacted with the protesting a little when she is crying. I think you can have a native american mascot but with resbect and show how kind and peacfull they are. But no native american mascot has shown that resbect.
lukas mireles
Anonymous, at 7:30 AM
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