Salem Witch Trials Newspapers

Now that we have finished our Colonial projects, it's time to see what your peers have accomplished! You have visited the Colonial Museum and now you can check out the Salem Witch Trials online newspaper.
Your task:
1) Go to the Salem Witch Trials Newspaper webpage and choose either the 3/4 or 8/9 period newspaper to read.
2) Browse through the different articles and choose three articles that you want to read all the way through.
3) Once you have read those three articles, make a post in which you discuss two things that you learned in each article, and one comment/question you have for the authors of each article (Remember to make helpful and constructive comments/questions).
* Be sure to write your first name and class period at the end of your post.
I did not know that the witch trials began like they did. Little kids hearing stories would harm them. I learned that the salem which trials began with two little kids acting the like what happens in the story tituba told them. Then more girls came. The articale how it all began tought me alot that I did not know. I also learned from another articale that the looks of people could be effective for the trials. I learned that the fear of witches started back around 560 B.C. I think that the students that worked hard an well. There is alot of important imformation in the articales and alot of creativity. I looked at both classes and thought that both were very good.
Julia H, at 1:59 PM
I read Book Review by Ben in period 3-4. I learned from this note how to tell if your neighbor is a witch. You can tell if your lower him/her into clear water. If they float, they are a witch. You can also tell by examining them to see if they have a devil's mark, or by torturing them until they confess. I liked this article because it was very informative and a good length.
I also read Interview With Rebecca Nurse by Emily. I learned that sometimes witchcraft runs in the family. I also learned that even though Rebecca Nurse pleaded innocent, she later decided that maybe she was guilty. I liked this article because I learned a lot about Rebecca Nurse.
I also read We Must Be Ever Watchful! How Do We Feel? by Gloria. I learned from this article that people get accused of witchcraft when the rumor is spread around that they do something that is a bit odd, or act a little strange. I also learned that people thought the witch trials started because the Puritans did not accept other people's beliefs or differences. I liked the picture because it went along with the idea of the article.
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM
I looked at the Period 8-9 newspaper. The first article I looked at was one of the comics. The comic I looked at was showing church and court. One thing that I learned was that what the Puritans were preaching in church and saying in court was completely the opposite. I also learned that the citizens were pretty much like little followers of the leaders. They just sat there and said amen to whatever was being preached. I thought that this cartoon was really well done with lots of information. One thing that I would have changed is I would have made the words Saturday and Sunday smaller, they just take away a little from the cartoon. The next article I read was the article on Salem real estate. I learned that land in Salem was pretty cheap. I also learned that people would try and wait until a witch was found and buy their land for an even cheaper price. I thought that the article was well written but the picture should have been bigger so you could see more than a map of some place. The last article I read was titled Are “the girls” right? I learned something that was very interesting. Sarah Good would come around right when Tituba would start her black magic. I think that is a very important fact! The second fact I learned from this article was that the girls actually asked Tituba to do the black magic. Before I read this, my belief was that Tituba would start doing black magic and the girls would just come and watch. One thing that I would change is that I don’t believe that they knew that much about the girls. They probably would not have published like that about them. If this article had a little more thought about the content it would have been perfect. Overall I thought that the web page was really well done! Great job!
Jordan 3-4
Anonymous, at 3:40 PM
I chose to read the newspaper from period 8/9.First I read saviors of Salem by Kayla. I learned that lots of people actually genuinely believed the girls. I learned that the girls didn't hate Tituba. I also learned that the girls were drama queens to every one. It was very good except; maybe Kayla should have talked about the interview instead of just putting the interview on the page. Next, I read, Sundays Sermon by Kyle. I learned that some preacher talk about how the devil a mere child who is playing, or the devil can take the form of an old lady, or even take form of a church official. I learned that the sermons affected how Abigail and Elizabeth made accusations. I thought that Kyle's article was sweet and short: it had a quote; it was interesting, funny and just good! Great job Kyle! I also read though shall not suffer a witch to live by Lili, Jordan, Katie and Anna. One thing I learned is that you should never look a witch in the eye. I also learned that witches are able to talk to animals. I also learned that if your hair is too curly, too long, too straight, then that is a sign of being a witch. The article was very funny and good.
maxhornung, at 6:28 AM
i looked at the comics in the Salem Chronicles first (Salem Chronicles was by 3-4). The one that interested me most was So Much For Justice. It showed three people. The first was Rebecca Nurse, pleading innocent and then getting sentenced to be hanged. The second was John Proctor, also innocent and sentenced to death. The next was a woman with a witch hat, a broomstick and witch clothing. She said she was a witch, and was free to go. I learned that if you try to say you're innocent, you'll just be sentenced. I also learned that saying you're a witch could save your life. One comment I had was: That was a really good idea! I liked that comic.
Next, I read What to do if you are a Witch (or Wizard) by Catherine. I learned that women who were pregnant couldn't have a trial or be sentenced until their baby was born. I also learned that if you have no trial, and never get a sentence, the policy is "guilty until proven innocent" and you will die. One comment I had: It was very unique. I liked reading it.
Lastly, I read Column of Questions and Answers by Erica. I learned (1) that some people thought only women could be witches because "evil lies in women" and (2) that the reason you could be saved from confessing is because people thought that you were in God's hands after that. One comment: I liked reading the questions people might have back then, and I learned things, too.
dipka, at 6:38 AM
I read a per.3/4 Interview with Reverend Samuel Parris, by Mia. I foun the interview most amusing but on the other hand rather seiriuos and suddle. I learnd apassage from the bible "witch" (ha ha) i thought was a good was to end the interview. Only comment I have to make was that I think in real life, thoughs questions were very suspective of possibally being a witch your self. especially that last question was a little to personal, I mean I'm no expert in that topic but wouldn't you get punished for asking a reverend such a question?
other than that I thought the interview was well written and had a lot of thought put in to it.
Along with that I also read the weather report by Eric. I thought that it was well written and I would have never thought of accusing a witch for the weather, but since that does fit the time, I thought it was an exalent choice. my only question is shouldn't the last sentence be, "Thoughs witches should be hung!" instead of, "Thoughs witches should be hanged!"?
Other than that I though it was a good report.
The last paragraph I read had no title and no name but is the first paragraph on the buissnes page. first of all I think that there should at least be a title and the authers name. but then again, I wouldn't want to type me name in looking at how it was written. not to be rude but the paragraph could use HELP! First off if I hadn't known about Elizabeth and her cousin, I would have NEVER understood who "the two girls" are, the paragraph isn't even in paragraph form, and the first sentence, "In the time of the Salem witch trials, the girls started accusing people randomly."
is worded so it makes the reader think that ALL girls accused others of witch craft.
Anonymous, at 8:37 AM
I looked at the morning classes articles and I think they were really well done and had a lot of information I didn’t know before. Like in one article I learned that at one point if anything was wrong people would just accuse someone of being a witch rather than doing something about it them self’s. Also I fond out in another article that some daughters accused there own mothers of being witches so they them self’s would not be accused. In a different article I found out that people believed witchcraft ran in the family if your sisters had been accused then you were accused if your sister had been fond guilty you were guilty to. The only thing I did not like was that the cartoons were definitely not funny. But every thing else was really good.
Anonymous, at 9:18 AM
I read “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” Exodus 22:18by Lili, Jordan, Katie and Anna. Do not get on their bad side because they will spoil your crops or even kill you. This I had not known. If you are possessed by the deval confess to the minister or take a bath in holy water or even put your family in hiding. It was very informative. Good Job.
I read Tituba By Tommaso. I did not know that they had not accused Tituba of witchcraft untill after they accused Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne of it. I did not know that insted of being hanged she was put in jail. I did not know that she was sold back into slavery either. It was in nice writing style. Good Job.
I read Hot Salem Gossip By Anna. Sarah Osborne is the other old lady who took all of her son’s land.The girls have been seen screaming and not paying attention in church. They have spoken of wanting to kill themselves. I had not known eny of this. Good well written paragragh.
-Adele 8-9 Ms. Jacobs
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM
I read three articles from the "Bewitching Post" (Period 8-9). The first article I read was "Four-Year-Old Child Accused of Witchcraft" by Siobhan. From this article, I learned that Dorcas Good (Sarah Good's daughter) was the youngest person to be accused of witchcraft. I also learned that Dorcas was so small, that they had to make special chains that would fit around her wrists. I liked the way the article ended with a question, so it leaves the reader thinking.
The second article I read was "Dear Daphne" by Caroline. I learned that children were expected to read the family Bible, and if they didn't, they could be accused of being a witch. I also learned that it is considered a sin to do anything on a Sunday. I liked how "Daphne" answered the problems that the people had. It was very informative. However, when she responded to the first comment (a Father), I would write "Dear Goodman Father", instead of "Dear Father", because that is what people called each other.
The third article I read was "3 Salem Women Accused" by Nora. I learned that Tituba came from Barbados. I also learned that a doctor could tell if someone was bewitched. I liked how the ending made the reader want to go and get the next edition of the newspaper when it came out. I also liked how the ending made it seem like it was in the time of the event.
Anonymous, at 9:42 AM
I read "The Bewitching Post". The first article I read was "Fashion Tips" by Abby. I learned about the different types of clothing the Puritans would have worn at the time. I also learned that the colors that the Puritans wore were very subtle. My only comment is that in the "Advice" part, "Goody Desperate" talked in a tone that was too modern.
The second article I read was "Salem Real Estate" by Duncan. I learned that the land in America at the time was very cheap and too avoid fights with neighbors, because they might accuse you of witchcraft just to get your land. My comment is that parts of the article contradicted itself by talking about how if you were accused of witchcraft everything you owned would be put up for auction, but that the blacksmiths should work closer to town, as to earn more money.
The third article I read was "Four-Year-Old Accused of Witchcraft", by Siobhan. I learned that people would go as far to accuse a girl who was only 4-years old. I also learned that Dorcas Good claimed to have been bitten by a snake, and had a red mark on her finger where she had said the snake had drawn blood. My comment for Siobhan is that she wrote her article well, and ended her article with a question that left the readers wondering.
-Katie 8-9
Anonymous, at 10:16 AM
the furst article i read was how long have there been witchs i learned it started in 560 bc i also learned that there were 40,00 to 50,00 witches killed one more thing i learned is what started it was polites religion and family fueds one thing that ithink could have helped them is that they just had a big jumble of facts and they could have put more in there
the second article i read was the advice colum and i learned you could get in jail for running away i also learned that people blamed the withces for every thing even if it was not even there falt the last thing i learned is people in that time may have had someone to write to and vent there fellings one thing the auther could have done is put a picture up
the last article i read was the cartoonsint he article i found out church was very much like coart,peopl wre sent to the stocks even when it was coldand that people would sometimes fall asleep in church one thing the illistrators could have done is color in the other two cartoons
maya period 3-4 miss jacobs class
Anonymous, at 10:19 AM
I read “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”
Exodus 22:18 by Katie, Lili, Anna and Jordan.(period 8-9) I learned that if your hair was too curly, too long, too straight, too nappy, too dark, or too light, you were considered a witch.I wonder if i would be considered a witch? I also learned that witches were people who sold their soul to the devil. I liked how their picture was of people getting hanged. it shows what the consequences were if you were a witch.
Another article i read were the comics. I learned that the rod they used to keep people awake was called a "squirrel tail", and that if you even sneezed in church, you would have to stand in the stocks. I really liked how the artists of the comics made them look funny, even though it was a serious matter.
the last article i read was "Tituba" by Tommaso. I learned that she was one of the major witches in Salem Village. I also learned that when the girls, (Abigail and Elizabeth) accused Tituba of witchcraft, she openly admitted to the accusation. For her honesty, she was not hanged, simply kept in jail. When it was all over, she was sold back into slavery. I liked how Tommy went into so much detail, however, he did not mention who the "girls" were. Apart from that, it was really good.
~Molly, period 8-9
Anonymous, at 10:58 AM
I read the advice cloumn if you were a witch/wizard yb catherine in 3-4. 1)I learned that witches were accused of creating bad weather I knew they were accused for killing livestock and afflicting citizens and cursing people but bad weather? that crazy. I also learned that witches could run away from salem, it didn't occur to me that it was an option. this article was informatave and well written and i was suprised that articles were written to help witches. Next I read October 31st in 3-4, it was a good article. I learned that Reverend Parris did eventually give up his job and that he refused to let Tituba out jail and that a different man had to bail her out. I thought that it was odd that the witch trials ended on halloween and we think of witches of coming back on that day.This article was a little short but very well written, overall a very good article. Next I read the advice coloumn by anastasia, this was very intresting and adressed a lot of the problems in that time. I learned that If you were accused of being a witch there was usually nothing you could do to help yourself, I also learned that husbands overworked their wives and that if the wives ran away it was stealing, this is very odd. I liked this coloumn a lot and thought it was thoughtfull and descriptive.
-- Adam G. 3-4
Anonymous, at 12:13 PM
I looked at the Period 8/9 site.
The first article that I read was the story about Dorcas Good, Sarah Good's daughter. Although I knew who she was, I did not know about the answers she gave during her trial. I thought the bit about the little green snake, and that she actually did have a mark on her finger was very interesting. I didn't know that she actually gave evidence against her own mother, but I would have liked to know the color of the third bird that Dorcas said her mother had.
I also read "Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live." I especially liked the list of ways to tell if you are a witch at the end. I didn't know that hair type, déjà vu, and rag dolls marked out witches. However, I thought that the repeated use of the word "I" made the article seem more like an advice column than an article.
Which brings me to the third article that I read, which was the "Dear Daphne" column. Although I didn't learn any new facts from this article, it really illustrated the kinds of problems and choices that people faced during the Witch Hunt. I had never even thought about the possibility that people might turn in their own children. The two questions and responses were good, but it would also have been nice to be able to read a few more.
-Angira (3/4)
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM
I read "Bewitching Post", and read the articles "Warning:"Bewitched!"", "Sunday's Sermon" and "Marketing News Update". "Warning:"Bewitched!"" really expressed how terrified people were of witches at that time, and what they thought witches didn't look like: "Keep your hair tidy and your skin sparkley...". It was intriguing to hear this, because if people of that time truly believed in witches and their powers, couldn't they have just made themselves look however they wanted? And they way people believed what non-witches/ commoners looked like also seemed to model what some might have thought to be as maybe just someone of a higher class...?
"Sunday Sermon" was really well written and was a little funny, too, when it said "His speech was a big change from the tedious usual "God hates you" speech". There was an intersting part about the devil forming itself into a child, elderly, "...or even take form of a church official." because it was good to actually read theories of what people thought of the devil, instead of just saying that they were scared. "Marketing News Update" was a good article because it described the society from more of a business point of view, and what it took to earn money and other valuables. The article was specific and really told you about the professions people worked at, and the things that they would buy or trade. But the best part about it was easy to read, and retain information. I think the picture could have been different for that article, but overall, all of them did very well.
Anonymous, at 1:31 PM
I read "How the Witch Trials Began". I learned that Reverent Paris would fight for slaves. That really surprised me because back then, slaves weren't really defended because people thought of them as property. I also learned that the girls that were going "mad" would not only scream but laugh. Which surprised me because when I read about it in the green book they made it sound like it was that during church they were in pain and would scream. The second article I read was " Can Rebecca Nurse be a Witch". Which I found interesting. I don't remeber reading about Rebecca but one thing that really shocked me is that poeple protest for her. I think it was so interesting that people back then were very close in there community. Another thing that shocked me was the people they picked, all low ranked people then one higher classified person. It just seems so random but it also shows they (meaning the community) didn't discriminate. The third article I read was " Another look at the Very beginnings". One thing that I didn't know was that Tituba did voodoo. I did not know that. Also I didn't know there were more girls than just Betty Paris and Abigail Williams.
I liked the fact that there were two perspectives of the begging but I would have like the print to have more space between lines.
-Jordy 3/4
Anonymous, at 1:44 PM
I read the 8-9 period's news paper. The first article that I read was Sunday's Sermon by Kyle. In this article it tells how after Deodat Lawson the Reverend made the very powerful "God Hates You" speech. In this speech he talked about how the devil could appear in anyone at anytime. This sermon frightened the people because the devil could be in their neighbors or maybe even in their own children. After this sermon it raised suspicions about sisters Abigail and Elizabeth after accusing one of their servants of being a witch. Overall, I thought that this article was very accurate and had a lot of detail in it.
The next article that I read was the "Hot Salem Gossip" by anna. The article was about how Tituba a servant of two sisters Abigail and Elizabeth, and two old woman Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne. Abigail and Betty were saying that Tituba had been telling them stories that had come straight from the devil, and that she had been making her fortune from showing the sisters weird spells. After Tituba would tell the girls these stories they both began to scream and not pay attention during church. Overall, I thought that this article was good but sometimes it wasn't clear who the writer was talking about in the article.
The third article that I read was a comic by Katie. The comic showed a man in a stock for sneezing during church and then the man is saying "Come on, Its the cold season!. This comic shows that people were punished for even sneezing in church. This comic was very straight forward, but still getting the point across. I think that the writer of this comic did a very good job with it. After reading three articles of the paper I thought that overall it was very detailed paper, and the eight period class did a great job with the newspaper.
-Sophia 3-4
Anonymous, at 4:44 PM
I looked at Mrs. Mannerings page Period 3-4. I read an article advertising "foldable bible stands". I learned that instead of using "dollars" they use "shillings". The article had like two different advertisements so I also learned that they didn't have anywhere near as much as we did. I did know that they didn't have a lot of what we had but I didn't notice that a "ultimate" product was a wheel barrow. One comment I have on this article is I actully thought it was cool that the paper had an avdvertisement in it I thought that was very cool. The other article I read was about Salem's Recreation and Entertainment. I learned that when the men were done with their work and chores that they would enjoy to relax and play instruments. I also learned that women would make quilts and some times make up there own pattern. I really liked this article I thought it was very well done, but I think that there was a little to much information put into one area of the article. I also read an article on "horoscopes". It is really hard to find facts on this but i learned that People were very scared and protective about being good and if you weren't good you would be "damned to hell forever". I also learned that people are very careful about witches and how not to run into one or how to know if there are any. I REALLY like this article I think it was REALLY good. I also think that I was really cool how the news paper had a horoscope article in it. This article was very creative it was also cool how she put information into a "gossip" topic.
-Jaime Per 3-4
Anonymous, at 6:15 PM
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Anonymous, at 6:58 PM
I read 3-4 cartoons. I thought they were amusing and showed something about the witch trials. My reaction to Too Much Noose was that those people should go hang themselves. I thought So much for Justice did an exellent job at displaying the hipocrosy in teh trials.
Duncan 8-9
Anonymous, at 8:45 AM
I read what to do if you see a witch. The most stunning thing was that most of the accused were convicted and their was so little risk and so much gain in accusing someone of witchcraft. The laws that allowed the tragedy to accur were obsene.
Duncan 8-9
Anonymous, at 8:53 AM
I read Could Rebbeca Nurse be a witch? I learned their were protests and more than just the petition. I liked the evidence and I think while the protest was ignored by most of Salem it helped get them out of the trials. Rebbeca Nurse is definately the most absurd accusation.
Duncan 8-9
Anonymous, at 9:00 AM
By kyle
In the 3-4 under how it all began by maya, remy, kori and anasatsia I learned that witches dated back to 560 B.C and that 500 accused witches were burned in switzerland. I thought they really took time to carefully write out their part of the newspaper and wanted to comment on that.
In the 3-4 period under Oct 31st under how it ended by Ben, Sam, Daniel and Gabe I learned that the Girls who were afflicted went back to their normal lives and that Anne putnam Jr. publicly aplogized but still had a difficult life because of what shes did. I thought the details in the article were very thorough and that they did a very good job
In the 3-4 period under the editorial in Can rebecca nurse be a witch by John i laerned that rebecca had been going to church for seventy years and that people were siding with Rebecca Nurse and prayed in her name.
Anonymous, at 9:26 AM
I read for period 3-4's Salem Chronicles. First I read Salam science and I learened that there was a belief that the girls may have been under the infulence of corn fungus, and that there was a type of horse drawn bus that was on a schedule and had a fare system. The article was well written but could have explained the new inventions more. The second article I read was What to do if you are a Witch (or Wizard. In this article I learned that you could postpone your trial if you were pregant becuase they would not have your trial until the baby was born because they felt even if you deserved to die the baby did not. I also learned that you could leave salem if you had the money or power to. This article was very informative and was well written. Lastly I read the Advice colomun where I leared about the troubles people were facing at that time. i learned that husbands could overwork their wives and get away with it because it was the law that the women were owed by their husbands. I also learned another reason to accuse people of witchcraft which was animals dying which would cause people problems. I like the way this article talked about 3 different problems of the time and also how the answers were not just one opinion but many.
Maxine N. 3-4
Anonymous, at 11:24 AM
i read the 8/9 newspaper.
first i read the article four year old child accused of witchcraft by siobhan. really liked how she started with how she was accused, and then ended with a question and some sentences that really make you think.
i also read dear daphne by caroline. I liked how she addressed some of the real problems that the people must have faced. not just the big people in charge, like reverand phillips, but the people living the salem witch trials. i would say maybe a couple more questions would have been good, just because it left the reader hanging... and not in the best way.
i also read the comics. i liked how katie's cartoon showed how even when you did the slightest thing wrong in church like sneezing, you could get in trouble for that. i liked how maya's cartoon showed how the reverand would say one thing in church, but the total opposite in court.
overall, i think they did a really good job. i thought the writing and the topics were really thoughtful and showed the pain the puritan people were in, and kind of honored them. i would say the formating of the paper could have been a little more like a newspaper, but otherwise it was really good.
~kate 3/4
Anonymous, at 11:41 AM
I read, Four-year-old child accused of witchcraft –Siobhan. I learned that if u were accused of being a witch then your family would be suspected too, I also learned that they went as far as accusing a four-year-old girl of using witchcraft which means they didn’t take there chances on anybody. Then I read, How to tell if you are a witch-Francesca. I learned how people determined if you were a witch, if you floated in water, if you had a mole, wart or pimple, or if you are a jealous person. Some of these ways to tell if you are were a witch I learned were unreasonable, like being jealous or floating in water when things like that cannot be helped. Finally I read, Hot Salem Gossip-Anna. I learned Sarah Good, besides being accused of a witch, was an old woman who was married several times and didn’t give her children any of her money. I also learned that Sarah Osbourne took all of her sons land.
-Kayla 8-9
Anonymous, at 12:24 PM
I read period 8-9 articles. The first one was Siobhans. I learned that if someone was found guilty of witchcraft, their family was automatically under consideration for witchcraft. I also learned that the people went as far as to accuse a four year old girl! Comment for Siobhan: I think this was a well written article, and the title really draws you in.
I read Nora's article. I learned that sometimes people were hesitant to tell the name of the person bewitching them, and also that multiple witches can be involved in a bewitchment. Comments for nora: I liked this article, it was very well written. =]
I read the 8-9 cartoons, and I learned that people could be put in the stalks for almost anything, and that the pokey thing is called a squirrel tail. Comments for the authors: You all did a nice job, I liked the drawings.
Anonymous, at 12:42 PM
I read the period 3-4 newspaper. The first article I read was "can rebecca Nurse be a Witch?" by john. I learned that not all the townspeople of Salem necessarily agreed with the accusations of a certain "witch" and even protested that a certain "witch" shouldn't be accused. I also learned that it wasn't until very religious people started getting accused that some people doubted the concept of witches. I think overall, it sounded very much like an actual reporter and was belivable. The second section I read was "So Much for Justice"(Anonymous). The main point this cartoon showed was that people who admitted to being witches were set free, while people who tried to prove they werent witches, were immediately found guilty. One question I have about this cartoon, is that when it showed each person's trial, were the pleads they made what they acctually said in real life? The "what to do if you are a witch" section by Catherine. I learned from this that 1. some wealthy witches did escape salem and escaped death. and 2.that pregnant "witches" had their trials posponed until their baby was born. I like this article because the tips to future "witches" was belivable and probably would've worked.
JACK-Period 3-4
Anonymous, at 4:02 PM
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Anonymous, at 4:54 PM
I read the Salem Chronicles by period 3-4. The first article I read was Salems recreation and entertainment by Kori. I learned that in Salem some popular instruments are: violas, fiddles, dulcimers and lutes. I also learned that women enjoy doing sewing and other things with their hands to keep themselves busy. I believe that this article was very well done and that the picture fit well. The next article I read was advertisements by Matt. I learned that people would pray at home without a reverend. I also learned that with your foldable bible stand, you can take a trip to anywhere. I think that this article could of had alittle more detail. I also read Salem's recreation and entertainment by Kori. I learned that woman love to keep their hands away from idleness. I also leaarned that when chores are finished, the colonists still love to play instruments and dance. I think that this article contains a lot of facts and is very well done.
Anonymous, at 5:42 PM
How It All Began-
In thsi artical I learned Reverend Parris beat Tituba, which probably the reason that she "confessed" to being a witch. I also learned that Sarah Osburne was "scorned by the community for marrying her indentured servant. I think this was a very will written artical, but it was also one of the best introductions I have ever read.
Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live-
In this artical I learned that witches were hanged in Gallows Hill. I also learned that you would be considered a witch if you had déjà vu, your neighbor's crop will not grow, you are a widow or you child owns a rag doll. I think this was a very entertaining artical, but not so informative. But if I had not already learned about it in class, I would've learned a lot.
The Beginning of A New Era-
I learned that the upper class people who were accused of witch craft were actually killed. I also learned that the new court, Superior Court of Judicature, did not allow spectral evidence. I think this is a really well written artical, it seems very realistic, like something they would write, even though I already knew most of it.
Anonymous, at 6:02 PM
I read the headline article "Can Rebecca Nurse be a witch?"
Two important facts I learned was like that she was a woman of piety and simplicity of the heart. Also that Rebecca was very family orientated and never believed for a second that she was guilty of being a witch. A comment on the article is that it was very well written and thought out.
I also read from the "Interview with Bridget Bishop". two different facts that stuck out to me while i read this interview was that Bridget obviously knew she wasn't a witch and that she spat at the judges before she was hanged. The one comment that I would like to bring up is that the picture at the end of the interview was haunting. It was a pic of three women after they were hanged. Luckily. no graphic scene was showed because the woman were shaded in black (complete surprise).
And lastly I read a Book Review by Ben Meyer "Memorable Providences" by Cotton Mather. Two things that I gathered from the review was that the book discussed about how that witches were tortured until they confessed and that obviously that the main subject point of the book was about witches. One comment that i have is that Ben did a nice job showing the book cover. It looked very real and as if you saw it when the other people of that time could see it.
Conrad p.3-4 Jacobs
Anonymous, at 4:47 PM
I looked at the newspaper for per. 3 and 4. I went to the sports section and read Kori's article, “Salem Recreation and Entertainment”. One thing I learned from the article is that the people of Salem had stringed instruments, such as violins, violas, cellos, bases, and harpsichords. Another thing I learned from this article is that the people of Salem believed that wasting time would leave room for the devil. One question I have for Kori is did both men and women play instruments? I learned a lot from Kori's article; the information was very intriguing.
I then went to the business section and read Gabe’s article, “Salem Science”. One fact I learned from the article is that Blaise Pascal invented a schedule for horse-drawn carriage. Another thing I learned from this article is that some people believed that girls were acting strangely due to being under the influence of corn fungus. One question I have for Gabe is what were some diseases that the colonists had found medicine for, and what were some that they hadn’t? Gabe's article used complicated scientific vocabulary. It made the article seem like it was written by a scientist in Salem.
Then, I visited the editorials section and read Catherine’s article, “What to do if you are a Witch (or Wizard)”. One fact I learned from the article is that many people believed that if you were afflicted by witchcraft, you could not be a witch yourself. If you appointed your neighbor, you were never accused. Another thing I learned from this article is that if you plead guilty, you would not die, but either had your land taken away or your reputation ruined. The colonists believed that it was up to God whether you went to the underworld or not. If you were in this situation, you were considered to be “in the hand of God”. One question I have for Catherine is if someone testified that they were being afflicted by witchcraft, would the government of Salem always believe them? Why or why not? Catherine's article contains a ton of information. It coveres almost all I can think of about the colonists' beliefs on witches and witchcraft. I had a hard time thinking of a question to ask Catherine, because she had covered so much! :)
-Ariana Periods 3 and 4
Anonymous, at 6:15 PM
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