The Pocahontas Story

For the past few weeks we have discussed the settlement of Jamestown in terms of location, people, and the challenges and successes of the colony. This week you watched Disney's Pocahontas, which offers yet another viewpoint on the settlement of Jamestown and the relationship between John Smith and Pocahontas.
Your assignment is to write an essay that discusses about the accuracy or inaccuracy of the Disney movie. You can use the following sources to help you plan and defend your argument:
- Readings from the Jamestown/Pocahontas unit in the green Social Justice humanities reader
- Notes you took while watching Disney's Pocahontas
- Quotations from Disney's Pocahontas
If you want, you can use this blog as a place to trade ideas for your papers or share some of your reactions about the movie. How does watching it now compare to what you got out of it when you were younger?
*Be sure to be respectful when making your post.
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