University of Chicago Lab School- Ms. Jacobs' Page

Monday, November 27, 2006

American History through Artwork

Below are links to pieces of art in the U.S. Capitol building that depict major events that occurred in American History. As you look at these pieces of art what do you notice? Who is featured? Who is left out? Are these friezes biased toward a certain perspective?

- Landing of the Pilgrims

- Captain Smith and Pocahontas

- Pizarro Going to Peru

- Cortes and Montezuma at Mexican Temple

- Landing of Columbus

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a holiday that is celebrated throughout the United States. Aside from being one of the busiest travel holidays of the year, it is a time for families to come together. Are there any special traditions or foods that you and your family have for Thanksgiving?

Will the Real Pocahontas Please Stand Up?

After watching the Disney version of colonization, you'll write a review of Disney's version of the story of Jamestown, John Smith and Pocahontas.

Here is your chance to work out your ideas, ask questions, and consider the issue of historical accuracy in film.

Is is okay for artists and film makers to embellish, change, and even distor history? What is the message of Disney's version of Pocahontas?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Current News on American Indian Mascots in College Athletics

* From Ms. Doyle's blog*

The NCAA has taken a stand on Native American mascots.

Read and listen to the NPR story that explains the latest news about mascots and NCAA tournament play.

Post a reaction here after you listen to and read the story.

NCAA Moves to Curb Indian Mascots in Sports

NCAA Backs Off Threat on 'Seminoles'

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Conquistadors- Was their success a stroke of luck?

This week in class we discussed different explorers who came over from Spain to conquer indigenous people of the "New World." For this reason, they are called "the conquistadors." In the video "Guns, Germs, and Steel", Jared Diamond makes the argument that the success of the Spaniards was not due to strength or numbers, but to luck. Do you agree?

What about Cortés and La Malinche? Do you think Cortés could have conquered the Aztecs without the chance of meeting her? Do you think La Malinche is a traitor or a heroine for helping Cortés?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Christopher Columbus: A Hero?

Today in class we had good discussions about Christopher Columbus and whether or not he should be considered a hero. We also discussed whether or not we should continue to have a day honoring him. Feel free to post any thoughts or ideas about these topics.

Native American Mascots--What do you think?

In class we looked at images of Chief Wahoo, the mascot for the Cleveland Indians baseball team. We also watched the documentary "In Whose Honor?" about Native American activist Charlene Teeters and her fight against Chief Illiniwek at the University of Illinois. The big controversy is whether or not universities and professional sports teams should continue to use mascots that many Native Americans believe are offensive and dishonoring them. What are your thoughts/ideas on the subject?

It is okay to disagree with someone, but please be respectful of everyone's ideas.