Now that we have begun reading the graphic narrative
American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang, feel free to use this blogpost to post comments/questions/connections as you read!
Image Source: http://www.nassaulibrary.org/YABookLog/American%20Born%20Chinese%20Jacket%20Cover.jpg
I think that in "American Born Chinnese" the monkey king wants to fit in with the gods as if he was a god but all the gods see is a monkey. I think this connects with Jin who wanto to fit in with the americans, but all they see is Asian.
Syrah, Jacobs, per.3, 9/20/10
Anonymous, at 4:04 PM
In ABC all of the different characters have one thing in common and that is that they are all ashamed of something that they are and want to be something they are not. The Monkey King doesn't want to be a monkey, Danny doesn't want to have Chin-Kee as a cousin, and Jin wants to be American and likes an American girl. They all want to fit in by being something they are not. Danny said,"By the time he leaves, no one thinks of me as Danny anymore. I'm Chin-kees cousin" and the Monkey King says, "I am not a monkey" that is not true he has changed his name from the MONKEY King to the Great Sage. He want to be worthy of heaven.
Lexi, Jacobs, 3/4
Anonymous, at 6:51 AM
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