Colonial Project Blog Post Assignment

For THURSDAY, choose ONE of the online newspapers created by Mr. Nekrosius's project groups and spend fifteen minutes browsing through the various pages (you can find links to the two newspapers here). When have finished reading the newspaper, create a post that contains three things you learned from your reading and one question you have for the authors.
You can choose to write a post on one of the documentaries on Anne Hutchinson produced by Ms. Doyle's project groups. To do so, first view one of the two documentaries, and then write a post containing three things you learned and one question you have for the producers. You can view the documentaries on Ms. Doyle's blog.
You should include ONLY your first name and your class period (NO LAST NAMES) at the end of your blog post. All of Ms. Jacobs' students should post their responses on the Colonial projects on THIS blog to receive credit.
Also, remember to be positive and detailed in your responses!
In the first few documentaries of the 8-9 class on Mrs. Doyle's blog, I learned a few things. Firstly, I learned that Anne Hutchinson had meetings to discuss her beliefs and ideas about the puritan culture. I also learned that the judges in Anne's trial were also the ones who accused her of being a witch so they were very biased. Lastly, I learned that one of her children died very young. My question is: How did the accusers find out about her rebellious ways? Were her meetings private or completely public?
Period 8-9
Unknown, at 5:28 PM
i saw the 3-4 documentorys and lerned a lot. i lerned that she was accused of doing things that a women could not do, also she held her meetings in private not in public and third she made the ministers swear a oath in the court causing some ministers to back down. I was wondering if the court had a judge and a jury?
Blake 8-9
Anonymous, at 5:43 PM
8/9 Newspaper:
3 things learned:
1)The devil picks out the weak to carry out his deeds; woman children, and of course, the mentally unstable. Women where weak because of their lustful nature.
2)People accused were to be shunned in society.
3)John Proctor was the first man executed in the witch trials
1)"We are all innocent peopleā Other than that (For John proctor) What really made the Cambridge people decide that the devil can not take the image of innocent people?
To Mrs. Jacobs:
I for some reason could not get the videos to play, so I had to do the Salem witch trail Newspapers. (My group is Woman, and under woman I am doing witches; under witches, specific events.) So I just wrote for the 3 facts things I hadn't previously known/researched. I hope that's alright...
Lily Z.
Period 8/9:
Anonymous, at 6:17 PM
I learned in a few things in the 3-4 newspaper.
They include:
1. There were many types of spectral evidence, such as "dream evidence". WHich is when the girls had nightmares about people in the town, and then they would tell the minister, and he would accuse the people in the dream.
2. It wasn't untill 1693 when smart, educated people started to speak out against these ridiculous assumptions. And that spectral evidence, was not enough info to accuse people.
3. that the bible said "thou shall not let a witch live" and they lived by that rule, so they killed anyone who was thought to be a witch, because of religious values.
Lily B (8-9)
Anonymous, at 6:36 AM
I saw the Salem Witch Trials 8-9 and I learned that when people were getting accused of being witches they would do very strange things. I also learned that people were getting accused of being witches just because they weren't liked in society. I also learned that the girls would choose who is a witch and who isn't.
One thing I liked to know is what ever happened to the girls? and why did they just ask the girls and not anybody else?
Anonymous, at 6:47 AM
For my blog post i decided to look at the Purifier newspaper and these are some of the may things i learned...
1)I learned that after a long period of time the people of Salem realized that the girls-abigail and elizabeth were lying about all there accusations.
2)To make up for these mistakes the Reverand, Judge and a couple other people publically apologized for all the deaths that had occured during the salem witch trials.
3)Lastly I learned that the people that would speak out against the accusers tended to be people that had already been accused and/or people that had a low status in the community.
Noah 8/9
Anonymous, at 2:27 PM
By watching various documentaries from Ms. Doyle's 8/9 class, I learned various things about Anne Hutchinson and the trial. Firstly, I learned she had twelve children before living in Massachusetts, one of which died. After moving to Massachusetts, Anne had three more kids. Next, I found it very relevant to her stand on religious views that Anne's marriage to William Hutchinson was not like other marriages in Massachusetts; Anne was not considered a piece of property to William, they were both equal in the marriage. Lastly, I learned the judges conducting Anne's case were actually her accusers.
Did Anne have many followers and supporters? Were there any punishments for following Anne?
Period 8/9
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM
What I looked at:
3-4 Newspaper:
The Purifier
What I learned:
(category: Local)
1. Witches have a red round mark. If you prick it with a pin and it doesn't bleed, then the person is a witch. If you prick the mark with a pin and it does bleed, the person is not a witch.
(category: People)
2. When Rebecca Nurse was accused of witchcraft, she was seventy-one, also sick and almost deaf. When she was hung, her family secretly took her and gave her a Christian burial.
(category: Political/Legal)
3. Governor Phipps started the court of Oyer and Terminer. His wife was accused to be a witch, which diminished his title and put him in shame. He ordered that no more people will be arrested or killed because they were accused of being a witch.
Was there anyway out if you were accused of witchcraft?
Period 8-9
Anonymous, at 4:57 PM
I watched period 8-9's documentary and I will say that theirs was a good deal more informative than period 3-4's. I learned about the tactics of the accusers such as moving the trial from boston to the newtown church. I learned that Anne hutchinson was married which really surprised me since she was such a rebel and was fighting for women's rights. I also learned that having a dozen children was normal for puritan times. The one thing that wasn't as good as it could have been was the court scene. They didn't show the voting of the whether Anne Hutchinson should be banished or not.
Anonymous, at 7:42 AM
I saw Mr. Nekrosius's 8-9 newspaper. It was well formated and it was easy to get to the links! I had one question about some of the format on the front page, why was the wrighting in a colume? I learned that the girls who started the Salem Witch trails were Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Parris. I also learned that witches were tried for witch craft in witch craft courts. Lastly I learned that Giles Corey died after a week of stones being put on his chest. I also thought it was cool that there were advise columes. Over all it was a very good job!!!!
sophia 8-9
Anonymous, at 1:37 PM
Nekrosius 8-9
1. I learned that anything that was "pure an holy" would reject witches.
2. John Proctor was found guilty of witchcraft.
3. A witch will float on water.
Question: Why would the devil pick the mentally unstable to carry out his deeds?
Anonymous, at 2:27 PM
In watching the documentaries from the period 8 and 9 classes, I heard a lot of things I had heard before, but not all of the things mentioned were things I had heard of. For example, I learned specifically from Eliot's presentation, that Anne Hutchinson's crime was just as bad as cross dressing. I didn't even know cross dressing was a crime, so it was all the better for me...That's one and a half, so I also learned that the judges were fairly unfair towards her during the trial because they too, were against Anne Hutchinson and her beliefs. Another thing I learned was that some of the judges chickened out because they had to make vows.
Period 3-4
Anonymous, at 2:52 PM
I saw the 3-4 documentaries. I learned that Anne Hutchinson held meetings to talk about her beliefs, her meetings were not for the public, and lastly that Anne Hutchinson was killed just for telling her religious beliefs. What happened to the to little girls that were accused of being witches, also what happened to their nanny?
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM
I read the Witch Watch and learned a lot.
1) That Dorcas Good, the daughter of Sarah Good, was only four when she was accused of witchcraft.
2) Women were mostly accused of witchcraft for many reasons. One was that they were considered weaker than men. Another was that they were thought to be temped to have affairs with the Devil.
3) Sarah Osborne did not go to church. That made her easy to accuse of witchcraft.
A question I have is after being accused of witchcraft, and are proven innocent, can you be accused again?
Priya Zylstra
period 8-9
Anonymous, at 3:37 PM
I watched the documentary on Anne Hutcinson of Ms. Doyles 8-9 class. I learned a lot of things from it such as that Anne Hutchinson preached in her own home once a week and that one of the things she was against was enslaving the Natives. I also learned abot John Withrop. He was a governor for seventeen years, was born in 1588 and that at college he was introduced to, or became intrested in, Puritism. I also learned that the trial for Anne Hutchinson was moved by John Winthrop to Cambrige so that it would be harder for Anne Hutchinson to attend her own trial, and that her judges were her accusers. A question I have is; Were there any events in particular, or any special conditions of her childhood that made Anne Htchinson's childhood pleasant, or the way it was? Did her childhood shape her future beliefs?
Anonymous, at 3:37 PM
I looked at "The Purifier", and although I also contributed to a newspaper, I was still able to learn some new things.
1. If a relative of your family has been accused of witchcraft, the chances of you being part of God's elect is quite low
2.Bad farming, or some other disaster that happens in your property is a sign that you are not part of the elect
3.The church would modify any pagan religions to make them more evil, which was a main factor in the belief of witchcraft.
Question: Did the Bible say anything about how to determine if a person is a witch/wizard?
Arjun 8-9
Anonymous, at 3:57 PM
Upon reading the periods three and four paper I learned:
1 The a belief during the Salem witch trials was that a child passed through the hole in a large stone or tree would be free from witchcraft.
2 The French/English war at the time was one of the reasons that, unlike the Virginia colonies, the Puritans were cut off from English supplies.
3 Ann Putnam, one of the girls who accused people of witchcraft, was the only such person who publicly apologized for accusing people, blaming on her own faults.
My one question was:
If women were the primary group of people in accusing witches, and since so many "witches" got hanged, did not the women in society have a say?
Rush, Jacobs 8 and 9
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM
I vied the documentary of Anne Hutchinson from periods 8-9. First i learned that Anne believed that you didn't need a minister to connect with god and that through there inner light anyone could speak to god. Next I learned that Anne held private meetings. I also found out some of the people who believed in what anne was saying were scared for there own safety and would not say so publicly. One question I had was why was Massachusetts so split about Anne Hutchinson's belief.
Harrison 3-4
Anonymous, at 4:27 PM
I saw the 8-9 documentary vid. I learned that Anne was first sent to prison before she was supposed to be hung, i only knew about the hanging part. John Winthrop was a very smart governor at times but was very gullable as were all the other Puritans in believing the little girls. He was smart because of the way he chose the jury by finding who was a Hutchinson supporter and who wasn't. I didn't know she was charged with allegedly disturbing the peace and challenging their beliefs.
I'd like to know how Anne could make the journey to the new location of the court while being several months pregnant.
8-9 jacobs
Jeff, at 4:53 PM
I looked at the newspaper in periods 8-9 and I look at the article "Death Events in Salem" and I learned these three things:
1). I learned that in jail people can die because of the conditions that are inside of the jail.
2). I learned that two people named Abagail and Betty accused a lot of people and it seemed like they did it for no reason.
3). Lastly I learned that Giles did not die in jail but instead he died because they put very heavy stones on him until he would confess.
One question I have for the author is: Why did Abagail and Betty start accusing so many people?
Max R. Period 8-9 Ms. Jacobs
Unknown, at 5:04 PM
I watched the 8-9 class's doncumentary on Anne Hutchison.
What I learend about Ms Hutchison from the documentary was that she believed that the Puritans were too harsh on others like the Quakers and that the puritans should no us Indians as slavesl. Somthing eles that i did not about Ms. Hutchison when she was on trial was that she was pregnet. Also unlike most relationships of her time her childhood friend William Hutchison, who she married at the age the of 21, treated each other equal. I was wondering, Why there were two John Winthrop Interviews.
per 3/4
Anonymous, at 5:12 PM
I used the 8-9 newspaper.
Firstly, I learned that Children over the age of six were not allowed to play and use toys. Second, I learned that even young children could be sent to prison and be accused of witchcraft. Lastly, i learned that women were more often accused then men. My question is: why were children accused of being witches as well?
Ms. Jacobs
Period 8-9
Anonymous, at 5:33 PM
Abigail and Elizabeth started the craze of the salem witch trials by accusing tituba of being a witch and being able to communicate with the dead, so she was put on a trial.
Women where considered goddesses if they had healing powers in the time of 3000 B.C
A very common kind of toture during the salem witch trials was tying peoples head to their heals to make them confest that they were witches.
How did people tell if you had intercourses with the devil, and also why was it such a bad thing to have these inter courses.
Anonymous, at 5:34 PM
I read the 8-9 Witch Watch Newspaper. I learned that during the salem witch trials, adults were not the only people to be accused. John and Elizabeth Proctor's children were accused and put into jail along with their parents. The second thing I learned is that the Ergot fungus on the rye crop possibly played a role in all of the acusations during the trials. One of the sympotoms called "dancing mania" causes one to go out into the street and start dancing randomly while foaming at the mouth. I also learned that Tituba said that she saw nine people's names in the devils book which ment that there were still six witches among them. The other to witches were sarah osbourne and sarah good. My question for the writers is did any of the girls apologize for acussing and putting so many people to death. I know that judge Samuel Sewall apologized but I would like to know if any accusers apologized.
Jonathan King
Jacobs 3-4
Anonymous, at 5:49 PM
I watched the Anne Hutchingson documenary 3-4
I learned that Anne Hutchingson got many ministers to not testify by asking that they make their statements under oath. the ministers were afraid of swearing under god in case they said somethign false and sentenced themselves to eternity in hell. I also learned that many of the charges against Anne were uncostitutional, for instance she was accused of doing things that people of her gender should not do. that would not be valid in a court of today because it is sexist. i also learned that Anne Hutchinson did not keep a written record of most things she did. it was probably because she knew that she would get in trouble for preaching in such a way, but she did not want such obvious evidence to be used against her in the trials. I would like to know if it is known which grouds where used to banish Anne and if she was aware of them after the banishment.
Anonymous, at 6:39 PM
I watched the 3-4 documentaries and found three very interesting facts:
1) Ann Hutchinson was accused of disturbing the peace, slandering important people including ministers, and holding private meetings.
2) She was preaching things that many people didn't want to hear and it was coming from a source(women) that they didn't want to hear from.
3)Ann Hutchinson preached that anybody, no matter their social class, could be in god's grace.
I was wondering if the ministers would have had a lot of influence within the court and influence over the staff running the court during the trial.
Jacobs 3-4
Anonymous, at 7:10 PM
I read Mr.Nekrosius's 8-9 class news paper. I learned that the witch hunts were the result of men's fear of women having political or social power. I also learned that Dorcas Good was accused because she had a devil's mark and I learned that a common way to torture people in jail was to tie their head to their heels. One thing I though should have been added was why to dogs were accused.
Akilah 3-4
Anonymous, at 7:19 PM
period 3 4
I read the 3+4 newspaper, and i learned various things,1. Women in puritan times were their husbands "property" and were expected to be seen not heard,2.Most of the people who were accused of doing witchcraft were women and the people who accused them were mostly women and 3.
The Puritans who live in Salem village interpret the Bible in a literal way sometimes even without question. The Puritans used the Bible when they needed help or when they needed guidance.
Question: Why is it that mostly women accused other women of witchcraft?
Anonymous, at 7:33 PM
In the 8and9 period class on mrs. doyel's blog i learnd that Anne Hutchinson was speaking out as a women to the public,that men pretty much owned there wifes,the reason Anne Hutchinson spoke up to the public was she wanted to interpert the bible with out the help of a minister i also learned that her court trials lasted about a few days she was also acused of being a which.
Anonymous, at 8:22 PM
In the 3-4 documentaries on Anne Hutchinson I learned that Anne Hutchinson held private meetings, the court were mostly men and women weren't respected, and she was killed by Indians. How many kids did Anne Hutchinson have?
Paul, at 11:01 PM
I learned that John Proctor was the first man that was killed in the witch trails. then I learned that the bible said "thou not let a witch live". which means that it was because of their religious beliefs. last thing i learned was that you can get out of being accused of being a witch, its just if you are in the lower class of society no one would believe you.
Ms. Jacobs 8-9
looked at the Period 3-4 doyle
Anonymous, at 8:08 AM
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Unknown, at 2:29 AM
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