"The Box" and Identity

In humanities class we have discussed the different ways in which people choose to identify themselves and the challenges, decisions, and frustrations that go into creating one's "identity." You have made your personal identity collages and have explored various experiences that people have had coming to terms with their own identity.
One metaphor that we have discussed in relation to identity is the idea of the box---- the forces and obstacles that stand in the way of a person truly being able to be him or herself in some way. What are the forces that keep people inside of their boxes? What forces push them to escape?
Think over the readings and discussions that we have had in class so far ("Theme for English B", "High Yellow White Trash", "Black, White, and Jewish", "Sylvia's Story", "Alone and All Together", and "Two Kinds") and think about the similarities and differences between each person or character's experience.
In your post, write three to four sentences about a connection that you have found between at least TWO of the experiences that we have discussed/read/listened to in class.
Some questions you may want to consider as you write your post are:
What boxes do some of these people find themselves in? Are the forces keeping them in the box external or internal? Do you think they will be successful in escaping their boxes? How are some people's boxes similar? How are they different?
In addition, you can also throw out relevant questions or observations to which other students can respond.
*** Remember to use your first name, teacher's name, and class period when you sign your post. Also, if you choose to respond to what another classmate wrote, please do so in a respectful manner.
Box image from: http://img.alibaba.com/photo/11288903/Glass_Mosaic_Gift_Jewelry_Box_Hexagon.jpg